Herb Scissors Used in MasterChef


Kitchen scissors with herb stripper to effectively remove fresh herbs from tough stems.


Did you know?

Did you know there is a MasterChef store on the FOX website? You can check out the official MasterChef store here, but as you will see they hardly have any items listed. And, the majority of items listed are not even used in the show. This is why masterchefshopping.blogspot.com was created. We hope you will share it on your social network, because FOX will probably never mention this awesome little corner on the web. We hope you think we are worth it.

Bless you!



Because it is rather hard to find the kitchenware featured on the MasterChef USA cooking competition, we created this site. If you like to purchase an item, look for the "Buy from Amazon" button. We hope you will enjoy your stay and find what you're looking for. If yes, do share it with your friends.

(website is still a work in progress, since June 2015. stay tuned.)

Happy cooking!